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composer & educator

Currently based in Baltimore, Heather Hyoeun Ahn is a Korean composer who explores lyrical, colorful music for chamber and orchestral ensembles. Concentrating on the potential of characteristic sound colors and the unique timbral possibilities of various instruments, she is often inspired by visual art and film to depict imagery through sound. She is interested in many different art genres, and that interest has led her to collaborations in dance, film scoring, and pop music. Ahn’s music has been internationally performed by Heather Roche, Mivos Quartet, Keuris Quartet, and in festivals such as the Singapore Saxophone Symposium (Singapore), and the Cello Seminar (New York).

Ahn is currently pursuing her D.M.A. in composition at the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, studying with Oscar Bettison and Felipe Lara. Previously, she earned her M.M. in composition at Peabody Institute and her B.M. at Ewha Women's University. 

Biography: 이미지
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